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Autocad 2014 Express Tools Download

itadsurmag1979 2020. 11. 25. 22:57


How to install and uninstall Express Tools in AutoCAD (or AutoCAD-based software) either during the initial install or after AutoCAD is already installed.
Note: Express Tools are not supported in AutoCAD LT.

When installing AutoCAD, click the program's install/configure options and enable the checkbox for Express Tools if it is not selected. Some versions of AutoCAD do not have Express Tools selected to install by default. To install Express Tools when AutoCAD is already on your system: Open 'Programs and Features' from the Windows Control Panel.


When installing AutoCAD, click the program's install/configure options and enable the checkbox for Express Tools if it is not selected. Some versions of AutoCAD do not have Express Tools selected to install by default.
To install Express Tools when AutoCAD is already on your system:
  1. Open 'Programs and Features' from the Windows Control Panel.
  2. Double-click AutoCAD to modify/change the program.
  3. When the setup window appears, click 'Add or Remove Features.'
  4. In the program features list, put a check on Express Tools. Depending on the version of AutoCAD, you may need to click Next once or twice to find the features list.
  5. Click 'Update' or 'Next' to complete the operation.
To uninstall Express Tools, follow the above steps but uncheck Express Tools from the features list.
If by chance Express Tools shows as already being installed but you do not see it within AutoCAD, uncheck to remove it and then go back in and add it back (i.e., uninstall/reinstall).

Autocad 2013 Free Download

See Also:

Using an Express Tools command in AutoCAD shows 'unknown command'


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